Rent Verbiage

Welcome! Forums Conversations Rent Verbiage

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lrichards 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1355


    Lease level – On the “Lease” tab, we would like some verbiage changed. The lease rent amount is entered into a merge field on this tab titled “Tenant”, and we would like this field to be titled “Rent” if at all possible. (I can’t past in a screen shot)

    (Originally submitted by Laurie Ramirez)

  • #1429


    Almost any wording can be adjusted in PropertyBoss using our Language Translation tool.

    Click here to learn about Language Translation in EinsteinAnswers.

    Click here to learn more about translating a specific window, report, or object.

    However, you provided a very specific word in a specific location that you would like to translate. Since this would be difficult for you to determine how to accomplish that translation, I will create a ticket for you and someone from ClientCare will assist you in making this change.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by  lrichards.

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