Posting Rents – Show only Lease Signers

Welcome! Forums Conversations Posting Rents – Show only Lease Signers

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PEROREAL 9 years ago.

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  • #1366


    It would be super helpful, if when posting rent checks under tenant payment, only the lease signers for that address would be an option on the drop down list of names of payers. Currently, if you’re posting a rent check and submitting a tenant payment for an address, and it’s someone other than the primary that it defaults too, and you search for the correct person by opening the drop down list, every person in Property Boss as a current lease signer comes up. It makes sense that only the people at that address should populate as an option for who the check was received from. Can this be implemented?

    (Originally posted by Laurie Ramirez at My House)

  • #1406


    I have added this to our customization/enhancement list but it is not currently prioritized. If we receive more interest or if it becomes prioritized, I will update here.

    Thank you!

    • #1550


      What I could see being more helpful would be having ability to show all tenants on QuickPay screen or at least the search by tenant link on the QuickPay screen include all tenants and not be restricted to the designated primary. If a spouse or roommate pays instead of designated primary we must perform an alternate search by property, then we can select the right name for the payment.

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