Manual Check

Welcome! Forums Conversations Manual Check

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lrichards 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1431


    Situation – we receive payments for application fees paid by credit card. When we refund the app fee we do that by logging in to Paylease and issuing the refund or reversing the transaction. How should we record the transaction in PBoss? Currently we issue a Payment to Tenant to account for the refund so we can reference which tenant in order to better reconcile the bank statement ( a lot of $X transactions for App Fees). I looked at your Manual Check process and it looks like it was set for someone to enter the payable and assign the check number then the printer prints a fake check. Why not have the Print Check function allow the user to select a check box that a particular transaction is a manual check whereby it will let the user assign their own check number and then skip the check printing process.

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