Improvements on "Lease Level" Window

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lrichards 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1356


    Lease level – On the general lease register, it’d be nice at the top, to have a box/field added with a quick reference glance to the Lease Rent Amount and Lease Deposit Amount. There seems to be space up where the box is to choose “enter transaction, reports,” etc. Yes, these items are in the register but at a quick glance it’d be nice just to have a field with this info.

    (Originally submitted by Laurie Ramirez)

  • #1395


    I have added this to our customization/enhancement list but it is not currently prioritized. If we receive more interest or if it becomes prioritized, I will update here.

    Thank you!

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