Emailing from PB

Welcome! Forums Conversations Emailing from PB


This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lrichards 9 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #1361


    When emailing from a lease register, it would be nice if an email would send to ALL tenants on the lease, instead of having to send multiple emails for each person on the lease. Furthermore, when you email out a lease register and it sends individual emails to all of the tenants, you have to edit the body and subject for every single email; it doesn’t keep it all the same like when you email it from rent roll. It’s quite a detailed and tedious task if the lease has more than one tenant and you want to/need to email them a copy of their statement.

    (Originally submitted by Laurie Ramirez at My House)

  • #1401


    I have added this to our customization/enhancement list but it is not currently prioritized. If we receive more interest or if it becomes prioritized, I will update here.

    Thank you!

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