Dashboard Alerts

Welcome! Forums Conversations Dashboard Alerts

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lrichards 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1365


    Dashboard Alerts – It would be nice if on the Property Boss Today Page Dashboard, it would show overdue items, and automatically any task that was scheduled to occur that wasn’t “closed out” or completed, would populate on this list as overdue and alert you. For example, a move-in date that has come and past and the “actual move-in date” wasn’t entered. Many times these people have moved in but it’s not showing b/c it fell through the cracks. Same with a move-out date that has come and passed and they were just never moved out of the system. Or if you could build in a promise to pay box date box that you could click when making payment arrangements, and if that date has come and gone it would alert you on the dashboard. Or is you had scheduled to call a prospect from the prospect portal and you didn’t close it out, you would be alerted that you have an overdue task. Currently we are having to manually track all of these.

    (Originally submitted by Laurie Ramirez)

  • #1404


    What you are describing has a lot of the same characteristics as our customizable box scores.

    Click here to view a page in EinsteinAnswers that has more information. Hopefully this will help you achieve a similar outcome!

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