B06638-01 – Added ability to charge Late Fees on unpaid Late Fees. Need to review this one with more information on the exact changes we implemented.
B08081-01 – The A220 is a cash report that shows the income for the Property Management Company by month for each month of the year. If using QuickBooks as your acocunting system, PropertyBoss does not know when the physical check was cut, only when it was written. If using the PropertyBoss General Ledger, this report can now show the expense on an accrual basis (the date of the actual bill) or on a cash basis which helps tie the amounts back to the General Ledger balances.
B08078-01 – Modified the A530 Collections & Deposits Report to export cleanly to Excel.
B08026-01 – Fixed a problem with Inspections where creating an Inspections Work Order Group did not always create the Standard Conditions for the Inspections group.
B08037-01 – The A148 Lease Statement showed the address incorrectly in the sitaution where the primary tenant was also listed as the Emergency Contact and the Guarantor on a lease.
B08038-01 – Corrected a problem where the entire Socal Security Number was sometimes not sent to the Collections agency.
B08036-01 – The ability to Mass Change a Repeating Charge on multiple leases by a percentage amount sometimes calculated the amount incorrectly.
B08050-01 – Corrected a problem with the Lease Rent Changes window where entering a single Rent Change and then changing the date of the scheduled rent change would result in an invalid Previous Rent Amount.
B07792-01a – When a tenant transfers from 1 lease to another, the Allow Login to Web Portal checkbox on the new lease is now set based on the value in the old lease.
B08046-01 – Removed an invalid option when linking Media to a transaction related to a Property. Choosing the invalid option would cause an error to display.
B08030-01 – Added the Supervisor Override ability to revers a transaction in a closed period.
B08024-01 – The A160 – Charges Paid report was corrected to be able to run across multiple databases.
B08019-01 – Modified the transfer process to reverse any transaction posted as a result of a rent schedule if the transaction date is the same as the transfer date. The new lease will have a scheduled transaction for that date.